Belgian Amiga Club - ADF Collection
BS1 part 60.zip
BS1 part 60
Mega Fortress d1.adf
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Text File
124 lines
; Megafortress Installation Script
; by Steve Tibbett
; This will get the destination directory from the user,
; then copy the files from the distribution disks to the
; destination directory, making the theater directory
; in the process.
(user 2)
(welcome "Thank you for purchasing Megafortress!\n")
(transcript "On installing Megafortress...")
(set DestDir
(prompt "On what drive should Megafortress be installed?")
(help (cat "Megafortress will be installed on the device you name. "
"That device will need approximately 1 megabyte of free space. "
"A \"Mega\" directory will be created on that drive, and "
"Megafortress will be installed in this directory.\n\n"
(default "RAM:")
(set @default-dest DestDir)
(set MegaDir (tackon DestDir "Mega"))
(makedir MegaDir
(prompt "I will now create the directory " MegaDir ", including a drawer icon for it.")
(help @makedir-help)
(dest "Megafortress-Disk-One")
(help "The Megafortress program, and the theaters, are on the first disk. Thus, I need it.\n\n"
(prompt "Please insert Megafortress Disk One in any drive.")
(newname "DiskOne")
(prompt "Copying the Megafortress Program to \"" MegaDir "\".")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "DiskOne:")
(dest MegaDir)
(pattern "Mega")
(prompt "Copying the Megafortress Music to \"" MegaDir "\".")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "DiskOne:")
(dest MegaDir)
(pattern "Mega.Mod")
(set ToInstall
(prompt "What Theaters would you like installed?")
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "Libya" "Iran")
(default 3)
(set TheaterDir (TackOn MegaDir "Theater"))
(makedir TheaterDir
(prompt "Creating the directory " TheaterDir ", including a drawer icon for it. "
"This will contain the Megafortress Theaters.")
(help @makedir-help)
(if (bitand 1 ToInstall)
(prompt "Copying the Libya Theater to \"" TheaterDir "\".")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon "DiskOne:" "Theater"))
(dest TheaterDir)
(pattern "(Libya#?|LBM#?)")
(if (bitand 2 ToInstall)
(prompt "Copying the Iran Theater to \"" TheaterDir "\".")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon "DiskOne:" "Theater"))
(dest TheaterDir)
(pattern "(Iran#?|IRM#?)")
(dest "Megafortress-Disk-Two")
(help "The Megafortress data file, including all the graphics "
"and sound, is on the second disk. Thus, I need it.\n\n"
(prompt "Please insert Megafortress Disk Two in any drive.")
(newname "DiskTwo")
(prompt "Copying the Megafortress Data File to \"" MegaDir "\".")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "DiskTwo:")
(dest MegaDir)
(pattern "Mega.Dat")